Two Pairs of Jeans and a Gigging Shirt

Recently my son gave me two pairs of his old jeans and a shirt he loved wearing when gigging, and asked me to make him a new quilt as the one I made him for the Millennium (The Millennium Quilt - which has a wonderful story of it's own) was showing signs of wear and he didn't want it to wear out. Anyway, I've just finished his new quilt 'Two Pairs of Jeans and a Gigging Shirt' I really enjoyed working on it. It's quite organic and proudly shows the signs of wear on the jeans, lots of big bold stitching and inside out seams. I kept some of the pockets whole from both the jeans and the shirt - it's the first quilt I've made with pockets in! As Craig plays both acoustic and bass guitars I printed out actual pictures of his guitars to use as templates for the appliqué guitars. After I had finished the quilt I decided the appliqué shapes needed some hand stitching around them - so I had to finish it twice. As always it's hard letting go of a piece of...