Two Pairs of Jeans and a Gigging Shirt

Recently my son gave me two pairs of his old jeans and a shirt he loved wearing when gigging, and asked me to make him a new quilt as the one I made him for the Millennium (The Millennium Quilt - which has a wonderful story of it's own) was showing signs of wear and he didn't want it to wear out.
Anyway, I've just finished his new quilt 'Two Pairs of Jeans and a Gigging Shirt'

I really enjoyed working on it. It's quite organic and proudly shows the signs of wear on the jeans, lots of big bold stitching and inside out seams. I kept some of the pockets whole from both the jeans and the shirt - it's the first quilt I've made with pockets in!

As Craig plays both acoustic and bass guitars I printed out actual pictures of his guitars to use as templates for the appliqué guitars.  After I had finished the quilt I decided the appliqué shapes needed some hand stitching around them - so I had to finish it twice.

As always it's hard letting go of a piece of work I've spent so much time with - I'd watched it grow and evolve.  I love how they seem to take on a life of their own and tell you what is needed next, the vision I had in my minds eye is usually just a starting point. And that for me is what makes quilt making so exciting. I enjoy changing my mind as my work grows.

I remember years ago teaching my young granddaughter to knit. She probably had about 14 stitches on her needles.  She had managed to knit about 10 rows. And she said 'This is so exciting,  I wonder what it's going to be? '.
I laughed at the time.  But now I can see how right she was. When I started Two Pairs of Jeans and a Gigging Shirt I was excited and I had no idea just how it would evolve.


  1. This is fabulous Joy. You can feel the love that went into the making of it. I like your digital label too!

  2. This is fabulous Joy. You can feel the love that went into the making of it. I like your digital label too!

  3. Thanks Deb, It really was a joy to make. As for the label, I took advantage of the design that was on that particular patch (and that patch was one of the back pockets of the jeans) And simply wrote the quilt details onto the design.

  4. This is so cool Joy. I can imagine the delight it has given and the love you stitched into every piece. Well done :-)

  5. It really is a quilt worked with love and it shows. Gorgeous

  6. Thank you Mam. I really like it, its so personal :D

  7. Thank you all for your kind comments.


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