Hand Felting or Machine Felting?

My first attempt a needle felting this week. I bought a kit in the show at the nec from Little Gem Knits. (Take a peak at their website - there are some lovely kits there).
I am enjoying making it up.
I'm doing it by hand which seemed fun for a while, bashing away at the foam with my hand held needle puncher.
It seemed good for channeling any anger. At least for the first few minutes. It's coming along slowly.
But it has helped me make a decision.
Well two decisions.
One, I've decided I very much like felting and the posibilities it opens up.
And two. If I'm going to be Needle felting I want a needle felting machine- please.
(Did you hear that Santa?)
 Above my felting work so far
Below what it should look like when it's finished!

I've been busy collecting goodies ready for my crafty experiments.
I took the wooden printing blocks I had bought at the Hobbycrafts  Show at the NEC (This link is for the 2014 show).along to Quilting Class last week and the lovely Judith D, said I have some printing blocks I've bought that I know I'll never use including a large paisley block. Now Judith knows I wanted a large paisley block (and a large elephant - I'm still waiting for a large elephant to come my way though).
I'll buy them off you I said.
Then she said I also have a Gelli plate I know I'll never use - o.m.g. that's on my Christmas list too.  So below is a picture of the goodies I bought off Judith.

Thank you muchly Judith.

My collection of toys to play with is growing really well.
Once Monday Class finishes next week. I'll have plenty of time to play with my new toys.

'Tis my Birthday today and as a birthday treat my D.H. is taking me to Weston for the Weekend to visit the West Country Quilt Show - Thank you D.H.
So my next post should include a review of said Quilt Show.
Bye for now, Joy


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