Hello Blogworld

Here my Stitching friends, is one of the ch ch changes....that I have been talking about on my Joyofquilting blog.

I have decided to create a blog devoted to my personal stitching exploits.

Some of you may be familiar with my Joyofquilting blog...
it's a blog I created to run alongside our Monday Quilting Group so everyone could join in with our projects.

However, I got to feeling that Joyofquilting was not the place to air my personal stitching adventures.

Recently, lots of ch ch changes are going on in my stitching world
Monday Class is a ch ch changing
Swansea Quilters is a ch ch changing (I'm currently having 'time out' from S.Q.'s)
And the Textile Group I belong to called Serge Ahead is a ch ch changing ME.
I can slowly feel a new interest awakening, new ideas and new directions pulling me.

Two words have kept cropping up over the last few months for me:

And so I decided now was the time for me to make a change, respect my feelings and launch my own blog.

This is a place where you will see what is going on in my workroom.
A place of pure indulgence where I can share with you my own ideas and work.

I usually describe myself as a quilter - but I also have a life long love of The Hook.

So this blog will include all areas of MY Stitching World, including my textile endeavours.
Patchwork, Applique, Quilting,
Hand stitching including a touch of embroidery
Machine stitching including freemotion.
Plus my newly aquired (and learning all the time) textile adventures.

I have to mention here my newest addiction, and the one that's calling me at the moment - The Soldering Iron - The things you can do with a soldering iron and some fabric - who knew!

Here is a little sneak preview of something I'm 'soldering' at the moment!

Anyways, more of all that later....

And of course not forgetting the hook and my
Crochet capers
both normal and Tunisian.

Below is a little peek into my crochet bag.
Which at the moment is filling nicely with crochet hexagons which will eventually become a baby blanket for my latest grandchild due early 2014.

I also love taking photos - lots of them. And the photos I take provide provide most of my inspiration.
So I shall also be sharing lots of photos with you too.
This is an accidental 'self portrait' I took last week!

I usually have a number of projects on the go at any one time - I know I'm not alone in that.
So one thing this blog shouldn't be is boring......it might sometimes be confusing.....but never boring....
Then join me on my Stitching journeys.  

There are no set times or days for posting, I'm just going to go with the flow and post as and when I feel the urge to.


  1. Soldering iron in the sewing room what next? I can't wait to find out :)

  2. Sounds like fun Joy! I always enjoy reading about your craftiness!

  3. Hi Joy,
    well done! It's always good to see other people's ideas.


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