This picture kept calling me last week. It was in the foyer of the hotel we stayed in. And I was facinated with it. Inspirational I would say. Could I achieve something similar in fabric?
Recently my son gave me two pairs of his old jeans and a shirt he loved wearing when gigging, and asked me to make him a new quilt as the one I made him for the Millennium (The Millennium Quilt - which has a wonderful story of it's own) was showing signs of wear and he didn't want it to wear out. Anyway, I've just finished his new quilt 'Two Pairs of Jeans and a Gigging Shirt' I really enjoyed working on it. It's quite organic and proudly shows the signs of wear on the jeans, lots of big bold stitching and inside out seams. I kept some of the pockets whole from both the jeans and the shirt - it's the first quilt I've made with pockets in! As Craig plays both acoustic and bass guitars I printed out actual pictures of his guitars to use as templates for the appliqué guitars. After I had finished the quilt I decided the appliqué shapes needed some hand stitching around them - so I had to finish it twice. As always it's hard letting go of a piece of...
Happy St. Davids Day from Port Talbot - Wales This is the third of my contemporary quilt challenge quilts. And being March's I thought a daffodil most appropriate. AND With it being St. Davids Day today (1st March) St. David is a patron Saint. of Wales AND The Daffodil is our National Flower You'll see lots of these worn in Wales today. If you see someone with a daffodil on elsewhere in the world on 1st March Chances are they are Welsh and showing their Welsh pride. Anyway I digress This is another project using my new needlefelting machine. I cut out the daffodil shapes in felt and needlefelted them onto the back of the black felt background to create a 'painterly' effect on the front. I then freemotion stitched around the outlines and into the leaves and flower I stitched a grided 'nine patch' effect and then stitched around the edge using yellow thread and a zig zag stitch. I had intended ...
I've been working on this months - April's - Contemporary Quilt Group 's Challenge with The Quilters Guild of the British Isles. I began by making some headless sheep using water soluble plastic and freemotion stitching. Being a bit scared of getting their heads wrong I decided to make their heads later out of felt Then I machine embellished wool roving onto a felt background and added some wool to create the path and wall. I hand stitched and felted yellow flowers, Some grasses Swirly clouds and mountain trees Backed with a lovely grey wool fabric which I turned over to the front of the work as a self binding. Finally, I used a variegated thread to create a quilting stitch along the binding. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the felt and wool I'm going to explore these further.
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